Global Connections: Celebrating and Supporting Anglicans in Haiti

Photo credit: Homes on steep hillside in Carrefour, Port au Prince, Haiti, pddurham, Canva.


Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their toil.
- Ecclesiastes 4:9



Haiti is located on the western third of the island of Hispaniola and is a mountainous region. The population is made up of close-knit families. Haiti is the poorest country in the Western Hemisphere with 80% of the population living in poverty. Over half of the population practices Voodoo. (Taken from

Did you know that there is an Anglican presence in Haiti? ARDF is inspired by the work of the Anglican Mission in Haiti, and thankful for the larger body of Christ which can provide support and encouragement! Currently, there are 11 Anglican churches in Haiti, all overseen by a single priest, Fr. Joseph. The work of Fr. Joseph and the church is crucial in the community as they minister despite political unrest and various natural disasters.

Because there is only one Anglican priest, the church has many lay leaders and currently has oversight and support from the Anglican Diocese of the Living Word (ADLW). ADLW is playing a vital role in the support of Haiti, providing episcopal oversight and helping Fr. Joseph and the 11 congregations to become self-sustaining. They are exploring agricultural projects to become less reliant on food aid, as well as theological training for the many lay leaders throughout the country. However, this is not without significant challenges! Because of the political unrest, Bishop Julian Dobbs of ADLW and others have been unable to actually cross the border into Haiti, and instead held their canonical visit in the neighboring Dominican Republic. Please pray for their upcoming trip which will encourage Haiti’s church leaders and perhaps even include an ordination service!

We are thankful for how the ADLW is serving as a bridge between the ACNA and the Anglican Mission in Haiti. As Anglicans in North America, we can encourage ADLW and the Anglican Mission in Haiti in their work! Learn more about the ADLW and the churches in Haiti on their website, as well as specific opportunities and ways to pray.

Heavenly Father, you sent your Son among us to proclaim the kingdom of God in the cities, towns, villages, and lonely places. Behold and visit, we pray, the nation of Haiti. Renew the bonds of charity that uphold civic life. Send honest and able leaders. Deliver them from poverty, prejudice, and oppression, that peace may prevail with righteousness, and justice with mercy. And the last, bring all your children to your Holy City, the new Jerusalem, where we shall know perfect unity and peace; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen
- Prayer for Haiti from ADLW’s website.

Watch this short video from Bishop Julian Dobbs to learn more about the ongoing ministry there, and please keep the work of the local church of Haiti in your prayers!


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