New Year, New Grant Cycle!


Then I said to them, “You see the trouble we are in, how Jerusalem lies in ruins with its gates burned. Come, let us build the wall of Jerusalem, that we may no longer suffer derision.” And I told them of the hand of my God that had been upon me for good, and also of the words that the king had spoken to me. And they said, “Let us rise up and build.” So they strengthened their hands for the good work.
- Nehemiah 2:17-18


Happy New Year!

A new calendar year means a new development grant cycle at ARDF! Our 2024 application for traditional development grants is now open on our website. ARDF is honored to serve the local vision and needs of dioceses and churches throughout the Global Anglican Communion across a wide variety of sectors. We carefully research and select a limited number of new projects each year. Be sure to take a look if you are curious about how we select our projects and what our timeline is like. 

These local leaders remind us of Nehemiah from the Old Testament. Nehemiah, living in Persia after the Babylonian exile, heard that Jerusalem was in disrepair and disgrace. After prayer and discernment, he examined the situation and gathered the resources he needed to rebuild Jerusalem’s walls. The result was the expansion of the city and the repentance of the people. Along the way, Nehemiah was able to additionally minister to the various needs of those around him. In the same way, our partners assess the needs in their communities and work with wisdom for sustainable solutions. They spend time in prayer for the community around them, observing what their people actually need. One of the unique aspects of ARDF’s grant process is our commitment to independent research. This third party evaluates the project and then works with our partners to develop a proposal that brings a sustainable solution to the community, ensuring a long lasting impact.

Like Nehemiah, sometimes these projects experience obstacles which require creative solutions and extra work. Despite these setbacks, our partners are committed to the final goal, knowing that something as simple as clean water will help them spread the good news of Christ’s living water, or a new building will bring life to a community who will use it for education, health, or worship. 

ARDF is honored to support these local church leaders through our Nehemiah Fund for Development Projects. As a steady resource to draw upon, donations to the Nehemiah Fund support projects with the most urgent needs, ensuring that ARDF development projects are finished in a timely manner and are ready for the community. The Nehemiah Fund for Development Projects enables ARDF to have a steady resource to draw upon as we support local leaders working in their communities.

Please pray for those who will submit proposals and for our team as we receive applications and begin to review them. In May, we will reach out to selected applicants for a full research proposal. This process is always enriching as we learn more about each area of the world and the ministries taking place there. Please pray for discernment, good communication, and a spirit of fellowship throughout the selection process!

Check out our current Traditional Development Projects!

Visit our Projects Page to see all the amazing development projects underway! From Brazil to Ethiopia to Laos, our partners are reaching out to their communities in some incredibly inspiring and creative ways.

You can support these Development Projects directly by visiting their specific pages, or though a general donation to the Nehemiah Fund for Development Projects.


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Emily Misner